Website Secrets and Blogging

Website Secrets lets you unleash the power of Google,Yahoo,amazon,ebay and many more websites.

Website Secrets of Google

Website Secrets of Google shows you to bypass Google Search and have fun.

Recently i was Googling for a phrase "gravity and its effects" and rather than clicking the "Google Search" button i clicked on "I'm Feeling Lucky" and instantly Google showed me the results in a different manner,instead of the normal search results Google took me to the web page that ranked at the top of the search results.If you trust Google and want the best result for your search query to be delivered than this is a fun option to try.Look at the below screenshots the first one shows the normal search result offered by Google and the other one shows you  the web page that you land after clicking the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button.
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website secrets

So as you can see the top most result on the normal Google search matches the web page you land when you click the "I'm Feeling Lucky". That's it now you can experiment with the search result as you like,Another interesting thing i wanna tell you guys is that,no i am not gonna tell you,i  will show you with a small video clip i created earlier which is quite short but i guess it's of enough length to explain the effect.  

So you see each time you get a different option when you hover over the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button and the result also depends on the feel of the button.That's is enough for today will see you guys later with more stuff.Thanks for spending your time.Do visit later for more interesting posts.And if you like the post please bookmark it or like it or tweet it.Thanks again.!!!

Website Secrets of Google


Display More Results Per Page

By default, Google displays ten results per page. This allows for a fairly fast display
of results. If you want to see more results on your page, go to Search Results section of the Search settings page and change the setting to 20, 30, 50,
or 100.

 Step 1 :
website secrets
Step 2 :

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Change the settings according to your preferences.
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 Website Secrets of Google

website secrets

Google Automatically Corrects Your Spelling

That’s right—you don’t have to be a spelling bee winner to search with Google. That’s because Google has built-in automatic spelling correction. If you inadvertently misspell a search query, Google recognizes what you meant to type and provides the correct spelling for you. So go ahead and type as fast as you can. Google will correct all your spelling mistakes.

Don’t Bother with Capitalization

When you’re entering a Google query, don’t waste time pressing the Shift key on your computer keyboard. That’s because the Google search engine isn’t case sensitive. So it doesn’t matter how you capitalize the words in your query—Hot Body and hot body will both return the same results.

Bypass the Search Results and Go Directly to the First Page on the List

You have another option after you enter your search query, other than clicking
the Google Search button. When you click the I’m Feeling Lucky button,
Google shoots you directly to the Web page that ranked at the top of your
search results, no extra clicking necessary. If you trust Google to always deliver
the one best answer to your query, this is a fun option to try. For the rest of us,
however, it’s still best to view the rest of the search results to see what other
sites might match what we’re looking for.
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Website Secrets of Google

website secrets


Most of you are familiar with this search engine. Google is the "World's Best Search Engine" and according to the stats below that statement is true.
According to a statistics website
Google has:
Daily visitors: 232 961 576
Daily Page views: 3 706 418 682
Alexa Rank:
Backlinks to homepage: 6 376 441
Backlinks domain wide: 1 890 601 897
 and it's stil not enough to describe google in a single post.Unlike a portal like Yahoo,Google is all about searching.
Most people like google's simplicity of easy to use interface. If you are typical and visit's Google several times a week,or several times a day,you don't even use a tenth of Google's power.But what most don't get is that Google offers more specialty search services that you can use to perform more accurate and targeted searches.

Google results more targeted searches than other search engines:

Google assembles search results by using special crawlers software.The result of your searches are ranked according to Google's Pagerank Technology.This technology measures how many other
pages link to a particular page; the more links to a page, the higher that page
ranks. In addition, PageRank assigns a higher weight to links that come from
higher-ranked pages. So if a page is linked to from a number of high-ranked
pages, that page will itself achieve a higher ranking.The conclusion is the more popular a page is, the higher that page’s ultimate value.
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